Wednesday, September 12, 2007

sharing website 5

The address of the website

I like this website is because the human in the pic when u click

The navigation part , the human will become dot dot and flying out

Turn to other page.

I think this is really cool and special.

And the background colour are also very matching.


niQue"U" said...

This website is quite interesting because of we can navigate with the choice. We can use our mouse to lead the guy to move on,and the cuties ways is he can jump over the typeface to create a imagination like facts.
Playing with typo and space to create a website.Background is only using gradient color to merge with design, look so flat but it's the ways to enhance the typefaces and the guy.
Overall is ok,color mood suit also.

shu wan said...
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shu wan said...

Navigation bar
-list at the bottom part and there is clickable arrow at left and right side
-the title of the content has nice arrangement typography
-some information bar will be show when the mouse move at the title but couldn’t click
on the URL in the information bar
-the transition a bit too slow when click on the arrow
-the gradient background colour let the title outstanding
-the blue colour at the portfolio page to bright
-consistency in using same typeface for title and highlighted important part with red